Alegria Belllydance

Alegria Bellydance

By: Grace Antonucci and Anna Gatch

Members from Alegria Bellydance

Although performances are currently on hold for Ensemble Eclectica and many others, we wanted to shine light on some of our past performers. Alegria Bellydance founder, Maria Palacio and three of her wonderful dancers, Dawn Thorne, Mindy Michelle, and Valerie Walelia Kupuakimi Hostos took the time to let us interview them about their experiences in belly dancing as well as their experience in Ensemble Eclectica!’s 2019 performance, Around the World in 80 Minutes.

Palacio did not begin dancing with an intention to teach others; rather her intention was to learn and have fun. But when the traditional style of belly dance that she wanted wasn’t available anywhere, she knew she’d have to create her own group. Palacio began offering workshops and brought in instructors to teach the traditional style of bellydance. Eventually, she began teaching at a studio, and for months she had only one student to teach. Her perseverance and determination clearly paid off because Alegria Bellydance has now been open for 11 years and has produced several amazing shows and performances.

Palacio and her dancers explain that being a part of our 2019 performance, Around the World in 80 Minutes, was a different experience from past performances. Usually bellydance performances are accompanied by prerecorded music, but an opportunity for her company to dance with live music was one that Palacio knew she could not pass up. “It was such an amazing opportunity because we rarely get to dance with live music.” Palacio exclaimed. The ladies of Alegria explained that their usual set up is a stage, and they weren’t used to performing at floor level. “I think my most memorable part of it was being surrounded by everyone (the audience) and dancing on the floor,” said Dawn Thorne of the performance. “I think I prefer being at floor level with the audience.” I’m sure our audience also enjoyed the luxury of being on the same level as the dancers. Dancer Mindy Michelle talks about the “energy exchange” she experienced at the event by “being around a bunch of creative people” and being “fully immersed in all the artists.” The engaging and artistic atmosphere of the performance created a sense of unity between the audience members and performers.

Performing with different disciplines of the arts brought a large range of audience members, some that Palacio’s company would not have been exposed to if it weren’t for Around the World in 80 Minutes. Usually Alegria Bellydance performs its shows for friends and family members, but the opportunity to perform alongside different artistic groups gave the dance company a chance to expand their audience. Since the 2019 performance with Ensemble Eclectica!, Alegria Bellydance has grown exponentially. Palacio opened a new studio in October of 2020 that fits the dance company’s rehearsal and performance needs.

What does it take to perform at one of Ensemble Eclectica!’s events? “Months and months of practice, at home and in the studio,” says dancer, Valerie Hostos. But don’t worry, all four ladies agreed they would love to collaborate with us again for another performance, hopefully sooner than later!

Now more than ever is the time to support local artists and performers. “Being a part of the arts community in Columbia is tough, but having the determination, dedication, and support is really the best thing I can ask for,” says Palacio.

Check out Alegria Bellydance’s performance from our 2019 event on our YouTube Channel @Ensemble Eclectica!

To learn more about Alegria Bellydance, visit their website at or find them on Instagram at @maria_palacio_alegria and on Facebook at Alegria Bellydance.

And as always, you can find us on Instagram @EnsembleEclectica, on Facebook @EnsembleEclectica, Subscribe to our YouTube channel to see more videos!


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